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Romería de Valme.

Sevilla, España. 2014.

        Siglo XVI. El rey Fernando III, le promete al cielo con el grito: ¡Váleme señora! que si le ayuda en la reconquista de Sevilla, construiría una ermita en su honor.


        En 1937, la Virgen de la ermita es llevada a la iglesia de Dos Hermanas, desde entonces, el 3º domingo de octubre, viaja la Virgen de Valme, acompañada por los habitantes de Dos Hermanas, en son de fiesta, hasta llegar a su templo original. Allí, la gente pasan la tarde comiendo y cantando sevillanas, hasta el regreso de la virgen al templo del pueblo que llaman cariñosamente "cuatro tetas".

Paleta de colores:

Before the union of the kingdom of Castilla and León, Andalucía was in the hands of muslims.


On 1236 the king Fernando III of Castilla y León, started the reconquest of Andalucía, Spain from Extremadura to Cordoba, later Sevilla on 1243, Jaén on 1246 and Cadiz on 1265.


When the hispanics armies arrived to edge of Sevilla, where today is the neighborhood Bellavista, the king named “El Santo” (Fernando III) promises to heaven with the shout: “Valéme señora”  if the virgin Mary helped the army to retake Sevilla, he would build a hermitage of her honor. Since then the virgin of the chapel is called Virgen de Valme.


On 1937, the virgin is carried to the church of Dos Hermanas, 11km away to the south. Since then, each 3th sunday of october, the people of Dos Hermanas travel with the virgin to valley of Bellavista in beautiful carts, here they spend the afternoon eating, dancing and singing sevillanas until his return.

This celebration is very interesting because it shows what are the Andalusians, his food (Tortilla de patata, tapas de camarones, bocadillos de jamón serrano), his traditional music (flamenco) classified in palos: fandangos, bulerías, soleares, seguiriyas. In this celebration is heard especially sevillanas.

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